

Join this climate call to action signed by business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, scientists and influencers.

Signed by
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in turnover
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Dear changemakers and leaders everywhere.

We can do it! 

We, the undersigned, are the impatient optimists among business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, disruptors, innovators, scientists, influencers and policymakers worldwide.

We believe that our destiny is still in our hands. We believe that we need to get away from the blame game and the narrative of doom and gloom, and understand that we still hold in our grasp the power to create a greener, cleaner, and brighter tomorrow.

During the Second World War, people rose to the challenge to secure their freedom and future. We can do it was a campaign originally aimed at a group of female factory workers during that difficult period. Decades later the campaign took the form of a uniting slogan, encouraging everyone to step up and do their part to tackle difficult challenges – and to show that with grit, determination, and teamwork, it can be done.

Now, we will do the same. We will rise to the challenge to secure our own future, and the future of the generations to come.

We can do it!

There are those who still believe that moving away from a fossil-driven economy would put societies through pain, sacrifices, and poverty. In fact, the opposite is true. Just look at the geopolitical crises unfolding today—wars, economic instability, and energy insecurity are deeply linked to our dependence on fossil fuels.  

The benefits of accelerating the green transition are simply mind-blowing. It will create millions of new jobs, reduce pollution, improve our health and help create thriving ecosystems, which in turn will make our societies more resilient to an increasingly unstable climate.

We would even argue that we can’t afford NOT to make this transition happen. Why? Because we know by now that investing in a fossil-free future is far cheaper than handling the consequences of not doing so. Decarbonizing the energy system alone is expected to save us at least $12 trillion. And that is just one piece of the puzzle.

We, the undersigned, are ready and willing to walk the talk. We are not perfect, but we are committed to being bold and pushing the boundaries to make this shift happen. And we are not alone. Already today, a substantial part of the world’s combined GDP originates from companies, investors, cities and regions that have voluntarily joined the 'Race to Zero', led by the UN Climate Change High-level Champions, committing to leaving fossil fuels behind.

A massive shift is happening. In every country, on every continent. There is no way of stopping this movement.

But we don’t have time on our side. To have a chance of keeping global warming close to 1,5°C, we need to halve global emissions by 2030. We can do it – but we need to speed up and scale up solutions much faster. Unfortunately, our current policies are slowing us down by putting hurdles in our way. To succeed in time, we acknowledge that we collectively need to pull down those barriers. 

We, the undersigned, hereby push for rapidly phasing out global fossil-fuel subsidies, and for re-directing those trillions of dollars to investments that will benefit people and help green solutions scale faster.

We embrace tougher regulations, smarter incentives and sharper climate goals. And we advocate for accelerating investments in the next generation's green infrastructure, and for letting sustainable public procurement actions speed up this change.

We realize our influential power as leaders, and we therefore commit to do everything we can to make sure all policy influencing within our organizations promotes a rapid shift to a fossil-free economy.

Simply put, we are pushing for a system that makes it more profitable to help design a sustainable world than to ruin it. 

And we won’t sit back and wait for those systemic changes to happen. We will do our part no matter what, and continue to raise our ambitions and deliver results.

Dear changemakers of every kind, this is our defining moment.

This is our big chance to co-create a brighter, better and more exciting tomorrow for all.

We have the will. We have the solutions. 

We can do it! 💪

Read more


Business leaders

(Board Members, Founders, CEOs, CFOs, CSOs, CMOs, etc)

Ingmar Rentzhog
Ingmar Rentzhog
We Don't Have Time
Johan Falk
Johan Falk
Exponential Roadmap Initiative
Kalle Nilver
Kalle Nilver
Stuart Templar
Stuart Templar
Volvo Car Corporations
Fredrika Klarén
Fredrika Klarén
Maria Mendiluce
Maria Mendiluce
We Mean Business Coalition
Elin Haapaniemi
Elin Haapaniemi
Siemens AB
Andreas Follér
Andreas Follér
Andreas Gyllenhammar
Andreas Gyllenhammar
Chiara Selvetti
Chiara Selvetti
See full list
Erik Wottrich
Erik Wottrich
Tele2 AB
Henrik Tegnér
Henrik Tegnér
Karin Stenmar
Karin Stenmar
Magdalena Aspengren
Magdalena Aspengren
Mats Pellbäck Scharp
Mats Pellbäck Scharp
Pär Svärdson
Pär Svärdson
Sandra Klackenborn
Sandra Klackenborn
Dustin Group
Stefan Sjöstrand
Stefan Sjöstrand
Åsa Domeij
Åsa Domeij
Sonia Braska
Sonia Braska
Anna Graaf
Anna Graaf
White Arkitekter
Annachiara Torciano
Annachiara Torciano
Cecilia McAleavey
Cecilia McAleavey
Christine Ehrlander
Christine Ehrlander
Sveland Djurförsäkringar
Erik Martinson
Erik Martinson
Svea Solar
Eva Normell
Eva Normell
Joakim Byström
Joakim Byström
Absolicon Solar Collector AB
Johnny Warström
Johnny Warström
Katarina Thorling
Katarina Thorling
Preem AB
Linda Fransson
Linda Fransson
Gnosjö Automatsvarvning AB
Louise Wall
Louise Wall
Madeleine Bergrahm
Madeleine Bergrahm
Magnus Rydell
Magnus Rydell
Trangia AB
Patrik Andersson
Patrik Andersson
Brunswick Real Estate
Sandra Comstedt
Sandra Comstedt
Nevotex AB
Stefan Albertsson
Stefan Albertsson
Add Secure
Torbjörn Andersson
Torbjörn Andersson
SDR Svensk Direktreklam AB
Björn Samenius
Björn Samenius
Daniel Wilded
Daniel Wilded
Masonite Beams AB
Linda Schuur
Linda Schuur
Lucas Pontén
Lucas Pontén
Svensk Emballageteknik AB
Magnus Palm
Magnus Palm
Glasgruppen i Sverige AB
Malin Stenkilsson
Malin Stenkilsson
Scapa Inter
Olle Rydqvist
Olle Rydqvist
Sven Wolf
Sven Wolf
Bzzt AB
Tobias Bard
Tobias Bard
Christian Patay
Christian Patay
Atmoz Consulting AB
David Andersson
David Andersson
Svalna AB
Johan Attby
Johan Attby
Fishbrain AB
Johan von Wachenfeldt
Johan von Wachenfeldt
Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder
Karin Liljegren
Karin Liljegren
Powerpipe Systems AB
Louise König
Louise König
The New Division
Marianne Strindin
Marianne Strindin
Beans in Cup AB
Mia Barkland
Mia Barkland
Tomer Shalit
Tomer Shalit
Linus Berg
Linus Berg
Ocab Sverige
Mikael Hedström
Mikael Hedström
Nina Ekelund
Nina Ekelund
Haga Initiative
Yasemin Arhan Modéer
Yasemin Arhan Modéer
Altitude Meetings AB
Christine Luby
Christine Luby
Freddy Sobin
Freddy Sobin
Johan Jedåker
Johan Jedåker
Better Support
Johanna Ossiansson
Johanna Ossiansson
Tingstad Paper AB
Adrian Finzelberg
Adrian Finzelberg
Agent A
Agnes Fischer
Agnes Fischer
Boodla ab
Alexander Petrow
Alexander Petrow
Alice Devine
Alice Devine
Karo Pharma
Alicia Eastman
Alicia Eastman
InterContinental Energy
Aliyu Danjuma
Aliyu Danjuma
Danjuma mayo farm's
Amanda Jackson
Amanda Jackson
PostNord Group
Amara Dembélé
Amara Dembélé
Organisation Non Gouvernementale Progrès National
Amb. Sylvestre Sidie Mohamed Kallon
Amb. Sylvestre Sidie Mohamed Kallon
Future Focus Foundation
Amir Ali
Amir Ali
Fuji office machines fze
Anders Egelrud
Anders Egelrud
Stockholm Exergi
André Schneider
André Schneider
Genève Aéroport
Andy Varoshiotis
Andy Varoshiotis
Harvest 4 Energy Ltd
Anette Seger
Anette Seger
Ramboll Sweden
Angelos Parmatzias
Angelos Parmatzias
Citizens in Power
Anna Anderberg
Anna Anderberg
Carlsberg Sverige
Anna Axelsson
Anna Axelsson
Anna Björklou
Anna Björklou
Epishine AB
Anna Bäck
Anna Bäck
Kivra AB
Anna Carendi
Anna Carendi
Hållbarhetsteamet i Sverige AB
Anna Celay
Anna Celay
anr+1 Kommunikationsbyrå AB
Anna Elgh
Anna Elgh
Svenska Retursystem
Anna Gunterberg
Anna Gunterberg
Dreams Sustainable AB
Anna Larsson Corcoran
Anna Larsson Corcoran
Anna Lindberg
Anna Lindberg
Anna Winde
Anna Winde
Anna-Karin Dahlberg
Anna-Karin Dahlberg
Annika Ramsköld
Annika Ramsköld
Ashleigh Dawson
Ashleigh Dawson
Augustin Becquet
Augustin Becquet
Recommerce Group
Austin Whitman
Austin Whitman
Climate Neutral
Bhavreen Kandhari
Bhavreen Kandhari
Warrior Moms
Binka Le Breton
Binka Le Breton
Iracambi Rainforest Research Center
Bjoern U Syrén
Bjoern U Syrén
Well-Head Group
Björn Rentzhog
Björn Rentzhog
Persson Invest
Björstrand Pia
Björstrand Pia
Advokatbyrån Omnia; Klimataktio
Bjørn Kjærand Haugland
Bjørn Kjærand Haugland
Skift Business Climate Leaders
Bo Gyldenvang
Bo Gyldenvang
Bárbara Hartz
Bárbara Hartz
HARTZ - New Thinking
Can Algul
Can Algul
Pubinno Inc.
Carl-David Hagerbonn
Carl-David Hagerbonn
TREEM Jewellery
Carmen Wargborn
Carmen Wargborn
Ramboll Sverige AB
Cassandra Julin
Cassandra Julin
Catherine Löfquist
Catherine Löfquist
Cecilia Holmström
Cecilia Holmström
ÅWL Arkitekter
Cecilia Pfannenstill
Cecilia Pfannenstill
CGI Sverige AB
Cecilia Wallin Fryxell
Cecilia Wallin Fryxell
Botrygg AB

Policymakers & Scientists

(Academic titles, Politicians, Climate advocates, etc)

Boaz Paldi
Boaz Paldi
United Nations Development Programme
Karima Rezk Mohamed
Karima Rezk Mohamed
ادارة ابوحمص
Jin Tanaka
Jin Tanaka
UN - UNISC International
Sherri Goodman
Sherri Goodman
U.S. Secretary of State International Security Advisory Board
Tessa Vincent
Tessa Vincent
Climate Champions
Owen Gaffney
Owen Gaffney
Nobel Prize Outreach & Exponential Roadmap Initiative
Svante Forsberg
Svante Forsberg
The Swedish Academy of Board Directors
Sarah Newman
Sarah Newman
Climate Mental Health Network
Ari Kokko
Ari Kokko
Copenhagen Business School
Dr. David R Boyd
Dr. David R Boyd
United Nations
See full listSee full list
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reuter
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reuter
World Academy of Arts and Science
Johan Rockström
Johan Rockström
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Abimbola Agbana
Abimbola Agbana
Igbehinadun Agroforestry (I.A)
Abraham Akyala
Abraham Akyala
University of Reading
Alejandro Molina-Garcia
Alejandro Molina-Garcia
Montrer University
Amanda Österlin La Mont
Amanda Österlin La Mont
City of Gothenburg
Andrii Semeniuk
Andrii Semeniuk
Institute of economics and forecasting NASU
Ann-Charlotte Mellquist
Ann-Charlotte Mellquist
Anne Svare
Anne Svare
End Ecocide Sweden
Anneli Selvefors
Anneli Selvefors
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
Arab Hoballah
Arab Hoballah
Arthur Lyon Dahl
Arthur Lyon Dahl
International Environment Forum
Bastienne Bernasco
Bastienne Bernasco
Saxion UAS
Bjarke Kovshøj
Bjarke Kovshøj
EIT Climate-KIC
Björn Fondén
Björn Fondén
Bo Franzén
Bo Franzén
Karolinska Institutet and Researchers Desk
Camille Savage-Kroll
Camille Savage-Kroll
Hochschule für Musik Freiburg
Cara Parsons
Cara Parsons
Australian National University
Carl Ekstrand
Carl Ekstrand
Swedish University of Agricultural sciences
Carl Rönnow
Carl Rönnow
Svenska Båtunionen
Cate Cody
Cate Cody
Gloucestershire County Council
Cecilia Lalander
Cecilia Lalander
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Cecilia Sundberg
Cecilia Sundberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Christer Svensson
Christer Svensson
Linköping University
Christian Schmitt
Christian Schmitt
Västra Götalandsregionen
Christina Bjerken
Christina Bjerken
Malmö University
Christina Wulff
Christina Wulff
Christine Leiser
Christine Leiser
Cristina Steliana Mihailovici
Cristina Steliana Mihailovici
Dana R Fisher
Dana R Fisher
University of Maryland; Brookings Institution
Diego Saucedo Portillo
Diego Saucedo Portillo
Sauceport Legal & Educational Consulting Services
Donn Davy
Donn Davy
Sustainable Novato
Dotto Lonjino
Dotto Lonjino
Tanzania Youth Life Choice Organization
Dr. Anna Collar
Dr. Anna Collar
University of Southampton
Dr. Eliza Nemser
Dr. Eliza Nemser
Climate Changemakers
Ederick John
Ederick John
Eliot Whittington
Eliot Whittington
Corporate Leaders Group
Eva Hallström
Eva Hallström
Fernanda Poblete
Fernanda Poblete
Chile Sin Ecocidio
Fredrika Mårtensson
Fredrika Mårtensson
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Henk Sissing
Henk Sissing
Henrik Nordborg
Henrik Nordborg
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Henry David Bayoh
Henry David Bayoh
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Consortium (CliCSuD)
Hervé Corvellec
Hervé Corvellec
Lund University
Håkan Larsson
Håkan Larsson
Animal save
Ingrid Strid
Ingrid Strid
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Isah Mohammed
Isah Mohammed
Self Advocate for Climate Change
Javier Surasky
Javier Surasky
Jeanie Anderson
Jeanie Anderson
Friends of Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve
Jeannette Eggers
Jeannette Eggers
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Jerry Rivers
Jerry Rivers
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
Jess H. Brewer
Jess H. Brewer
University of British Columbia
Jessica Buendia
Jessica Buendia
Johan Lindsjö
Johan Lindsjö
Institutionen för husdjurens miljö och hälsa, SLU
Josefina Sallén
Josefina Sallén
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Juha Lempiäinen
Juha Lempiäinen
University of Helsinki
Juliana Katimwa Rono
Juliana Katimwa Rono
Nasaru Women
Julie Johnston
Julie Johnston
GreenHeart Education
Kaj Embren
Kaj Embren
Kaj Embren
Karen Filbee-Dexter
Karen Filbee-Dexter
The University of Western Australia
Karin Gerhardt
Karin Gerhardt
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Kassahun Adelo
Kassahun Adelo
Kathleen Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
FreeportCAN, Climate Action Now
Khaled Ayesh Abdullah Sagheer
Khaled Ayesh Abdullah Sagheer
National Forum For Human Rights
Kipkemoi Cheruiyot
Kipkemoi Cheruiyot
Sunny Africa Community Based Organization
Laura Morales
Laura Morales
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Lennart Lundin
Lennart Lundin
Lennart Lundin
Lina Eklund
Lina Eklund
Lund University
Liz Addison
Liz Addison
Loke Hagberg
Loke Hagberg
Positive Money Sweden
Loraine Chivingo
Loraine Chivingo
Kenyatta University
Louise Johansson
Louise Johansson
Lourenco Nobrega
Lourenco Nobrega
Maja Groff
Maja Groff
Climate Governance Commission
Maria Röske
Maria Röske
100% Förnybart
Maria Wolrath Söderberg
Maria Wolrath Söderberg
Södertörn University
Mariam Claeson
Mariam Claeson
Karolinska Institute
Marianne Therese Smogeli Holter
Marianne Therese Smogeli Holter
University of Oslo
Marie Bengtsson
Marie Bengtsson
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Marion Pape
Marion Pape
Shaw Communications
Martina Hibell
Martina Hibell
Barnfonden (ChildFund Sweden)
Maximilian King
Maximilian King
University of Eastern Finland
Mbwali Resty
Mbwali Resty
Girls for climate action
Medina Bašić
Medina Bašić
Idi Oumarou
Mikael Ljungman
Mikael Ljungman
IPMG Sverige AB
Murithi Antony
Murithi Antony
Young Arbiters Society, University of Embu Chapter
Naomie Nguemadjibaye Dabot
Naomie Nguemadjibaye Dabot
Njabulo Brighton Chitsiko
Njabulo Brighton Chitsiko
Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union Harare
Paul Bruce
Paul Bruce
Degrowth Aotearoa New Zealand
Paul Glantz
Paul Glantz
Stockholm University
Paul Watchman
Paul Watchman
University of Glasgow
Paula Kathleen Dawson
Paula Kathleen Dawson
Per Bolund
Per Bolund
Green Party
Pernilla Bergmark
Pernilla Bergmark
Exponential Roadmap Initiative
Peter Friberg
Peter Friberg
Gothenburg university, Sweden
Peter Paul Bunyard
Peter Paul Bunyard
University Sergio Arboleda
Philippa Jayne Greenwood
Philippa Jayne Greenwood
Phoebe Barnard
Phoebe Barnard
Stable Planet Alliance
Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui
Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui
University of Calabar
Ramin Ebrahimnejad
Ramin Ebrahimnejad
Association for Vertical Farming


(Owners, Founders, Co-Founders, CEOs, etc)

Edda Aradottir
Edda Aradottir
Michelle Li
Michelle Li
Clever Carbon and Women and Climate
Clinton Prophecy Ankutakpuie
Clinton Prophecy Ankutakpuie
Ghanadian Power Incorporated (GPI)
Evannah Jayne
Evannah Jayne
Terran Industries
Kristian Rönn
Kristian Rönn
Ola Lowden
Ola Lowden
Zandra Rauchwerger
Zandra Rauchwerger
Antrop AB
Jenny Brusk
Jenny Brusk
Science Park Skövde
Prasad Jaladi
Prasad Jaladi
Ulf Ekberg
Ulf Ekberg
G2020 Advisors; Ace of Base
See full listSee full list
Antti Vihavainen
Antti Vihavainen
Henrik Juhlin
Henrik Juhlin
Zero Mission
Johan Svenungsson
Johan Svenungsson
Accigo AB
Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin
Warp News
Susanne Wedin-Schildt
Susanne Wedin-Schildt
Ocean Community Associação
Munmun Singh
Munmun Singh
Shail International group
Rahul Dewanjee
Rahul Dewanjee
Corinna Joyce
Corinna Joyce
B&B Ideas Group Ltd.
Jonas Grenfeldt
Jonas Grenfeldt
Panang Kommunikation AB
Mattias Weerasooriya
Mattias Weerasooriya
Wellfish AB
Rodrigo Muñoz
Rodrigo Muñoz
Planet Ventures
Abdulquadir Iyanda Jimoh
Abdulquadir Iyanda Jimoh
Adam Bastock
Adam Bastock
Adam Oskwarek
Adam Oskwarek
Zopeful Climate
Adheer Joshi
Adheer Joshi
Shreesha Energy Solutions
Adrian Dinsdale
Adrian Dinsdale
World Nature Photography Awards
Aidan Sharples
Aidan Sharples
Alan Pater
Alan Pater
el buda profano
Alex Fullerton
Alex Fullerton
Hemp Save The World
Alexandra Lichtenberg
Alexandra Lichtenberg
Same Drop
Alexandre Casin
Alexandre Casin
La Fabe
Aleyda Santos
Aleyda Santos
TERRA Foundation
Alfonso Navarro Carvallo
Alfonso Navarro Carvallo
EliteSDGs Business Consulting
Aline Gustafsson
Aline Gustafsson
Amy Clarke
Amy Clarke
Tribe Impact Capital LLP
Ana Maria Paraschiv
Ana Maria Paraschiv
Ubuntu World
Anders Tivell
Anders Tivell
Anders Tivell
Andreas Etten
Andreas Etten
10x Group
Andreas Schennings
Andreas Schennings
Carbon Compute Sweden AB
Andreas Schennings
Andreas Schennings
Angela lang
Angela lang
Anna Altner
Anna Altner
Yangi and The Loop Factory
Anna Carendi
Anna Carendi
Diya Consulting AB
Anna Graybeal
Anna Graybeal
Anna Graybeal, PhD
Anna Hermes
Anna Hermes
Hermes Group
Anna Hill
Anna Hill
River Cycleway Europe
Anna Wärmé
Anna Wärmé
Hallen Sigtuna - Konst & Design AB
Anna-Karin Andersson
Anna-Karin Andersson
Anne-Marie Melster
Anne-Marie Melster
ARTPORT_making waves
Annelie Johansson
Annelie Johansson
Happy Economy AB
Annika Erikson
Annika Erikson
Annika Sundin
Annika Sundin
Medveten Kommunikation Stockholm AB
Antoine Geerinckx
Antoine Geerinckx
Anton Lindberg
Anton Lindberg
Live In Color Handelsbolag (Music Group)
Antonia Zock
Antonia Zock
Ants Neo
Ants Neo
Anudeep Chirumalla
Anudeep Chirumalla
Arie Brouwer
Arie Brouwer
Arjun Srihari
Arjun Srihari
Aron Gelbard
Aron Gelbard
Bloom & Wild
Atanas Enev
Atanas Enev
Axel Boethius
Axel Boethius
Axel Boethius AB
Baliqees Salaudeen
Baliqees Salaudeen
Green Republic Farms Limited
Bas Kools
Bas Kools
Beate Baethke
Beate Baethke
Plasticfree Earth Ltd
Beaven Gundu
Beaven Gundu
Benedict Oduor
Benedict Oduor
Latewa Arts CBO
Bengt Melin
Bengt Melin
Bethany Gibson
Bethany Gibson
The Scales Project
Birgitta Corin
Birgitta Corin
Tarnaby Fjall and Event
Björn Larsson
Björn Larsson
The ForeSight Group
Bo Nilsson
Bo Nilsson
A Sustainable Tomorrow
Bonnie Gurry
Bonnie Gurry
Carl-Johan Löwenberg
Carl-Johan Löwenberg
EnjoySustain AB
Carlos Terol
Carlos Terol
Good Ripple
Caro von Post
Caro von Post
Beskow von Post
Caroline von Post
Caroline von Post
Stormie Poodle
Cat Jones
Cat Jones
Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson
Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson
Rolfsdotter AB
Cecilia Näsman
Cecilia Näsman
Social Impact Stockholm AB
Cenap Biyikli
Cenap Biyikli
TNI Iletisim
Christer Persson
Christer Persson
Ceditech AB
Christian Andersson
Christian Andersson
twentyten AB
Christian Rebernik
Christian Rebernik
Tomorrow University Of Applied Sciences
Christian von Essen
Christian von Essen
Heja Framtiden
Christin ter Braak-Forstinger
Christin ter Braak-Forstinger
Chi-Impact Capital
Clement Owen Goldson
Clement Owen Goldson
Global Energy Nutrition Initiative
Cozette Wachtmeister
Cozette Wachtmeister
Cristina Vollmer Burelli
Cristina Vollmer Burelli
Damodar Prabhu Panemangalore
Damodar Prabhu Panemangalore
DANN Renouvelables Energie LLP
Dan Graf
Dan Graf
Dan Petroski
Dan Petroski
Massican Winery
Daniel Delorge
Daniel Delorge
Les Granges de Chandon
Daniel Holmqvist
Daniel Holmqvist
Atracta AB
Daniel Rejzner
Daniel Rejzner
Daniel Rundgren
Daniel Rundgren
David Bauner
David Bauner
Renetech AB
David Bryngelsson
David Bryngelsson
David Knutsson
David Knutsson
David Treadwell
David Treadwell
Mid Sussex Wood Recycling Project
Davide Raffaetà
Davide Raffaetà
Agatheia Srl
Debora Gikovate Barg
Debora Gikovate Barg
Gikovate Ind Com Ltda
Debra Batzofin
Debra Batzofin
Debra Batzofin General Management
Denni Jansson
Denni Jansson
Dequan Wang
Dequan Wang
Governance Solutions Group (GSG)
Dickson Nkwabi
Dickson Nkwabi
Nihurumie Child Group Organization
Dieter Meeuwis
Dieter Meeuwis
Dipak Kapoor
Dipak Kapoor
Self employed
Dr. Carsten Stöcker
Dr. Carsten Stöcker
Spherity GmbH
Dr. Okosodo Ehi Francis
Dr. Okosodo Ehi Francis
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Ogun State Nigeria


(Asset Managers, VCs, Family Offices, Business Angels, Financial Advisors, etc)

Jessica Malmfors
Jessica Malmfors
Johanna Kull
Johanna Kull
Lingyi Lu
Lingyi Lu
Söderberg & Partners
Peter Wolpert
Peter Wolpert
Sara Wimmercranz
Sara Wimmercranz
Danijel Visevic
Danijel Visevic
World Fund
Hampus Jakobsson
Hampus Jakobsson
Pale Blue Dot
Viveka Hirdman-Ryrberg
Viveka Hirdman-Ryrberg
Investor AB
Thomas Dübendorfer
Thomas Dübendorfer
Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC)
Anette Nordvall
Anette Nordvall
Cross Nordic Capital
See full listSee full list
Anita Keij
Anita Keij
Chi Impact Capital
Annarie Lyles
Annarie Lyles
Bio-Gist Ventures
Arjan Overwater
Arjan Overwater
Cecilia Hjertzell
Cecilia Hjertzell
PowerWoman US
Christian Hernandez
Christian Hernandez
Christian Joelck
Christian Joelck
Christopher Engman
Christopher Engman
Dick Sundelin
Dick Sundelin
Aktiespararna Umeå
Elsa Reichling
Elsa Reichling
Enrique Alvarado Hablutzel
Enrique Alvarado Hablutzel
CHi - Impact Capital
Finn Persson
Finn Persson
Spintop Ventures
Florian Erber
Florian Erber
Ananda Impact Ventures
Frank Huttel
Frank Huttel
Vividam - powered by FiNet Asset Management AG
Fredrik Blomquist
Fredrik Blomquist
Fundforward & Institute for Transition
Georges Dyer
Georges Dyer
Intentional Endowments Network
Jessica Nauckhoff
Jessica Nauckhoff
Sätila Impact Investment AB (SVB)
Johannes Rabini
Johannes Rabini
Sobera Capital GmbH
John Östlund
John Östlund
Marö Invest
Jonas Ljungström
Jonas Ljungström
Naventus Corporate Finance
Karin Henriksson
Karin Henriksson
Greencode Ventures
Karin Ruiz
Karin Ruiz
Karl "Charly" Kleissner
Karl "Charly" Kleissner
KL Felicitas Foundation
Kerstin Cooley
Kerstin Cooley
Brightly Ventures & Course Corrected
Lars-Göran Andersson
Lars-Göran Andersson
Circus Future AB
Luca Zerbini
Luca Zerbini
Una Terra VC Impact Fund
Madhur Ramrakha
Madhur Ramrakha
Urban Nirvana
Maria Andark
Maria Andark
Xana AB
Martin Moser
Martin Moser
Matthias Ummenhofer
Matthias Ummenhofer
A9 Capital
Måns Alfvén
Måns Alfvén
Alfvén & Didrikson AB
Ola Jönsson
Ola Jönsson
Pierre Almén
Pierre Almén
Rudi Hilti
Rudi Hilti
The System Change Foundation
Sarah Pehrsdotter
Sarah Pehrsdotter
Shannon Lövgren
Shannon Lövgren
Ulrika Hasselgren
Ulrika Hasselgren
W.J.T Sillen
W.J.T Sillen
We don't have time
Yumiko Murakami
Yumiko Murakami
MPower Partners


(Artists, Musicians, Authors, Creatives, Journalists, Social Media Influencers, etc)

Anne Therese Gennari
Anne Therese Gennari
The Climate Optimist
Heather Clancy
Heather Clancy
Eezu Tan
Eezu Tan
Climate Email Writers
Roland Montpellier
Roland Montpellier
Iona Conner
Iona Conner
Grassroots Coalition News
Cecilia Lassfolk
Cecilia Lassfolk
Alexandra McDonough
Alexandra McDonough
Sticks & Stones Books
Andy Middleton
Andy Middleton
Andy Middleton
Antonio Briceño
Antonio Briceño
Ashahiid Juma
Ashahiid Juma
See full listSee full list
Avit Bhowmik
Avit Bhowmik
Exponential Roadmap Initiative
Brandi-Ann Uyemura
Brandi-Ann Uyemura
Brandi Uyemura
Carol Keiter
Carol Keiter
Carol Keiter
Caroline Ford
Caroline Ford
Christine Southam
Christine Southam
CS Virtual Assistant
Daniel Martin Eckhart
Daniel Martin Eckhart
Swiss Re
Derek Honour
Derek Honour
Vicar of St Barnabas Church, Derby, UK
Dorit Ghinea
Dorit Ghinea
Dr. Susi Arnott
Dr. Susi Arnott
Walking Pictures Ltd.
Dylan Williams
Dylan Williams
Backflip Media
Erena Rangimarie Omaki Rhöse
Erena Rangimarie Omaki Rhöse
UN Harmony with Nature
Gary E. Janks
Gary E. Janks
Contemporary Film Productions Limited
Gerd Dani
Gerd Dani
Free Astrocience
Ian Nguthi Wachira
Ian Nguthi Wachira
Mt. Kenya Network Forum
James Musyoki
James Musyoki
Jan Juffermans
Jan Juffermans
Dutch Footprint Group
Jan Lindstén
Jan Lindstén
Ekåsaryd Ordbruk AB
Jeroen Benes
Jeroen Benes
Jimmy López Bellido
Jimmy López Bellido
Jonas Bane
Jonas Bane
Kiratidev Basumatary
Kiratidev Basumatary
Climate Change Movement
Kris Flanagan
Kris Flanagan
Kristina Post
Kristina Post
The local United Nation's Association in Mjölby-Motala
Laxmi Haigh
Laxmi Haigh
Circle Economy
Liz Couture
Liz Couture
Drawdown Richmond Hill
Magnus Geber
Magnus Geber
Riksarkivet Swedish National Archives
Marcia Mar
Marcia Mar
Márcia Mar
Mary Lu Kelley
Mary Lu Kelley
Michael Wanjuzi Makongo
Michael Wanjuzi Makongo
Uganda Civil Aviation Authority
Mikko Pyhälä
Mikko Pyhälä
Ekosäätiö - Pekka Kuusi Ecofoundation
Muhammad Fahd Khan
Muhammad Fahd Khan
Geo Tv Network; We Don't Have Time
Muhereza Augustine
Muhereza Augustine
St Roza College School
Neel Kamal
Neel Kamal
Neel Kamal
Peter Kamau
Peter Kamau
We Don't Have Time
Rebecca Kawaoka
Rebecca Kawaoka
BECCA Kawaoka
Rickard Barrefelt
Rickard Barrefelt
Rickard Barrefelt
Rose Burton
Rose Burton
Dear American University
Ruby Kryticous
Ruby Kryticous
Green Agriculture youth organization
Sandra Reeve
Sandra Reeve
Move into Life
Sara Woodbury
Sara Woodbury
Sara Woodbury
Shelley Trower
Shelley Trower
University of Roehampton
Sofia Ny
Sofia Ny
Sofia Ny
Sophia Ersson
Sophia Ersson
Sophia Ersson
Steve Mortimer
Steve Mortimer
Black Chapel Collective
Sue McKenzie
Sue McKenzie
Climate Action Muskoka
Ussi Abuu Mnamengi
Ussi Abuu Mnamengi
Industry 5.0
Vicki Perrett
Vicki Perrett
Geelong Sustainability
Wouter Savrij Droste
Wouter Savrij Droste


Everyone can support this campaign! Take a selfie doing 💪, the Rosie pose, and post on social media using the hashtags #WeCanDoIt together with #WeDontHaveTime to show your support and automatically get published on this site.


Yes, I want to undersign this campaign and I agree to have my name, title, and company name published. Please send me the social media kit and occasional progress updates.

For business leaders we prefer one name per company.

If you cannot sign, consider supporting on social media instead.

Please make sure to fill in as much information as possible. This is needed for us to confirm that it is indeed your signature, but also so you can contribute to the numbers displayed at the top of our page.

By registering you agree to We Don't Have Time's terms of use and privacy policy.

Thank you for signing. An email with the social media kit will be sent to you shortly. Please start sharing and remember to use tag #WeCanDo it and the 💪-emoji.

Go viral and take your own Rosie-selfie to get listed among our supporters.

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We Don't Have Time has together with its partners UNDP, The Exponential Roadmap Initiative, and GoClimate initiated the #WeCanDoIt campaign to create a new narrative in the climate debate.  

We believe, that to accelerate global climate action in time – and get enough people on board to make a difference – we need to focus more on the solutions than on the problem.

We believe we need to start telling the story of the tomorrow we want to create, and to spread the word on the enormous benefits this green shift will bring in terms of new jobs, increased health, restored ecosystems, and limited global warming

This initiative has been created without any financial purposes. You are free to use, reuse and republish it as you wish, as long as you stay true to its original purpose.

For practical purposes we have used We Don’t Have Time’s privacy policies and web hosting when creating the campaign platform.

We have the solutions, we have the will, we have the money, and together we have the power.

We Can Do It!

Do you want to be part of this change?

Sign the campaign and we will send you our social media kit, which you can use to help share and spread the campaign within your own network. There are many who believe We Can Do It!, see the list.


For questions and interview requests, please contact;

Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder, We Don’t Have Time

Sweta Chakraborty, PhD, Climate Behavioral Scientist, President We Don’t Have Time US

Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, The Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Kalle Nilver, Co-founder, GoClimate

About Rosie

Rosie, the woman in the We Can Do It campaign, first appeared on J Howard Millers ”We Can Do It” poster from 1943. The poster was produced for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost female worker morale during World War II. Though displayed only briefly in Westinghouse factories, the poster in later year has become one of the most famous icons of World War II. The copyright has expired and the image is in the public domain.

Outreach partners

Contact us if your organization wants to help us recruit signatories.